Antimicrobial Coatings

The science of

SurfaceGuard’s antimicrobial coating provides continuous protection of surfaces.

Broad Spectrum Efficacy

Once applied to surfaces a covalent bond is created, and a microbiostatic agent is activated. This Cationic Agent attracts and dismembers microbial threats' cellular membranes for up to 90 days.

Transform your surfaces into a powerful first-line of defense.

Antimicrobial Coating Studies

Oxford University

Taylor & Francis Group

Duke University

University of Virginia

Montana State University

University of Auckland, NZ

Thousands of articles detailing the efficacy of antimicrobial coatings and their effectiveness in clinical approaches to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of healthcare-associated infections can be found here.

NIH - National Library of Medicine

Contaminated surfaces can transmit pathogens.

Make your surfaces inhospitable to dangerous microbes.